Our rescue boatis always in our base,in case of emergency sow we can be close to you immediately.


There is a mobile phone on every boat , you can talk with us anytime for free.


Boats are insuranced for thirds.


All boats have to be back at 18.00.


Boats have all the  safety equipment and they should be checked before your cruise.


You have to be 18 years old to drive a boat.


Everyone who is going to be on the boat have to hear the 10 minutes information (not only the driver).


We never go away from the island.


Maximum number of people that can get on the boat can be seen on the boats page. Do not overload the boat.


In case of damage under the boat , the damage has to be paid from the customer.


Driver is responsible for the rest of the people as well.


Customers have to be 20 minutes before their cruise on the base, in order to hear the information.


Alcohol is not allowed for everybody on the boat.



Respect the boat and the sea, and your trip is going to be fantastic.